Friday, April 4, 2008

Growing Old

Recently I was sitting in VIPS killing time while Nic was at speech and language therapy. A cute little elderly couple wandered in and held an entertaining little interchange with the waiter and I thought to myself “That’s how Troy and I are going to act when we are old.”

However, recently I have begun to wonder if I may be fully senile well before we get to be doddering and cute. If the past six months are any indication, my brain cells have already begun a slide into oblivion that can’t be stopped.

However, here are some things that we WON’T be doing when we are old, assuming we still have a few wits about us:

  • Buying a 40-foot Winnebago and traveling around any continent/country/state/province.
  • Buying a mobile home and settling down with a colony of 40 cats/Chihuahuas/any other animal.
  • Moving to the south of Spain, and parading on the beach in speedos and bikinis.
  • Making our children miserable (at least not on purpose!)
  • Opening a day-care.
  • Watching home-shopping channels.
  • Watching the weather channel and then calling our children to give them the news that it’s going to snow six inches in Detroit.
  • Wearing plaid golf-pants.

We MAY perhaps:

  • Have matching recliners in the living room with stacks of good books beside them.
  • Have slumber parties with our grandchildren (if we are blessed with any!)
  • Eat dinner during the “early bird” hour if we live in America.
  • Hold hands while we shuffle around.

I have already grown old. I can no longer stay up all night. I awake before the alarm. I have a daughter going into junior high next year.

According to one source, I barely make the cutoff to be on Facebook legally. On top of that, my *gasp* 20th high school reunion is this summer.

Yes, I am already “old”.

As I think about growing even older, I wonder things like: Where will we live? What will we be doing? Will we have grandchildren? Will we have good health? Will we even know who we are?

Perhaps even more crucial will be whether or not we will still like Alias and when (and how) I put the dog out of her misery.

Today I am anticipating the coming retreat weekend. Tomorrow at this time Heather and I will be in the throes of a pretty intense team building time.

And I have no idea what we will be feeling, thinking. What decisions will be made about our near- and distant-future? Will we be doing the same thing even 3 years from now?

The truth is: I know very little what tomorrow will bring, and even less what will come our way 30 years from now. But, this much I know: I want to spend every hour of it with you, my love.

And, together, our Master Jesus is more than able to lead the way, one step at a time.

And for me that is enough, enough, enough.

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